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Showing posts from August, 2024

Icomoon Selection.json, Add New Icon For Existing Project

I've try to add new icons to selection.json, I've downloaded the new json file, and see tha… Read more Icomoon Selection.json, Add New Icon For Existing Project

How To Create Mhtml Standalone File With Same Page Links

How do you export an MHTML standalone webpage from google chrome that has correctly operating same … Read more How To Create Mhtml Standalone File With Same Page Links

Html Wysiwyg Edtor: Why Is The Editable Content Moved In An Iframe

Why is the editable html moved into an iFrame? I analysed different editors (TinyMce, CKEditor, etc… Read more Html Wysiwyg Edtor: Why Is The Editable Content Moved In An Iframe

Div Background Not Stretching Properly

I have the following HTML code: & Solution 1: Give the outer div width:100%; to make it resi… Read more Div Background Not Stretching Properly

Image Link With $confirmmessage Alert In Cakephp Htmlhelper - Possible?

Is it possible to create an image with a link that also has a pop up alert [$confirmMessage] using … Read more Image Link With $confirmmessage Alert In Cakephp Htmlhelper - Possible?

How Can I Enable Use Of Background Elements When The Dialog Is Appeared?

I created a dojo dialog using the example . I work with maps in background. The problem is that whe… Read more How Can I Enable Use Of Background Elements When The Dialog Is Appeared?

Getting Multiple Images From Ajax But Each Is Displaying After The Image Extension

I am passing multiple ids to fetch the image name but each image is displaying after the name of th… Read more Getting Multiple Images From Ajax But Each Is Displaying After The Image Extension

Js: Show/hide Text Field Depending On Radio Button Issue

I have a JS that shows a test field if '1' is selected from a radio button. And hides if &#… Read more Js: Show/hide Text Field Depending On Radio Button Issue

Google Translate Override Select Change Event

I've got a wierd issue: Translate Copy To view all data inside the drop down Read more Google Translate Override Select Change Event

Display Dropdown List Items In Next Column

when i tried below snippet , when i used lot of options in dropdown, its growing long in one colum… Read more Display Dropdown List Items In Next Column

Why Is '::after' Pseudo-selector Over The Image And Not Under It?

I have this container with some text and an image inside it as last element, I am trying to set an … Read more Why Is '::after' Pseudo-selector Over The Image And Not Under It?

How To Refer Html Element In Jquery Validation In Content Page

I have master and content page in asp .net web application. In my content page I am doing jquery va… Read more How To Refer Html Element In Jquery Validation In Content Page

Override Property In "style=" Attribute?

I am trying to adjust the position of the background image of a button in CKEditor. CKEditor hard-c… Read more Override Property In "style=" Attribute?

Why Did Ie9 Leave Out Support For The File Api And The Multiple Attribute On File Inputs?

Why did IE9 leave out support for the File API and the multiple attribute on file inputs? Chrome, F… Read more Why Did Ie9 Leave Out Support For The File Api And The Multiple Attribute On File Inputs?

Table Heading Repeat While Printing

I have used table for display the list of records. It have lot of rows and columns. If I print this… Read more Table Heading Repeat While Printing

How To Get The Newly Edited Polygon Coordinates In Google Map Apiv3

i have created and edited polygon successfully and after drawing the polygon i am getting the coord… Read more How To Get The Newly Edited Polygon Coordinates In Google Map Apiv3

Removing .html Url Extension Using .htaccess Not Working

I'm using the below code to remove .html extention form url, but it is not working.. can any on… Read more Removing .html Url Extension Using .htaccess Not Working

How To Create Html Table Based On Json

I need to create HTML table based on JSON input. here is my JSON sample input. [ { 'Use… Read more How To Create Html Table Based On Json

Force Ie Compatibility Mode Off In Ie Using Tags For Browser Mode

I am using html5 with angularJs using follwoing tag This results in Browser mode set to IE8 Compat… Read more Force Ie Compatibility Mode Off In Ie Using Tags For Browser Mode

Launch An Application From Html With Arguments

Is there a way to allow an HTML file to open an application on the local computer and send that app… Read more Launch An Application From Html With Arguments

Add Gradient Background Color Along With Stroke - Css

I have added background gradient to one of the css class, but it is taking color from stroke, is th… Read more Add Gradient Background Color Along With Stroke - Css

Web Components - Extend Native Element's Style

I would like to extend the native button element but I am not sure how to add styling. In Google… Read more Web Components - Extend Native Element's Style

Css Transition Not Firing When Adding Class To Body (firefox)

I am creating a sticky header on a site that decreases padding of 2 elements once the page starts s… Read more Css Transition Not Firing When Adding Class To Body (firefox)

Best Way/practice To Ensure Links Are Going To Proper Location When Not On Root Of Domain?

I've been wondering this for a while now, but what is the best way to ensure that in a web app … Read more Best Way/practice To Ensure Links Are Going To Proper Location When Not On Root Of Domain?

How To Invoke Click Using Html Agility Pack

In WebBrowser( WEBFORMS) we can i InvokeMember('click') when we parse an HTML. How can we d… Read more How To Invoke Click Using Html Agility Pack

Are Property Values In Css Case-sensitive?

I have observed that some CSS properties, like font-family declared with quotation marks, perhaps a… Read more Are Property Values In Css Case-sensitive?