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Jquery Automatic Heading Numbering

I have articles on website with 10-15 H2 tag subtitles. Something likes that.

Name of article



Solution 1:

You can numerate backwards by using the each function.

allItems = $("h2").length;
$("h2").each(function (index){
  $(this).prepend(allItems - index + ". ");
<scriptsrc=""></script><h1>Name of article</h1><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p>

Solution 2:

This should help

var h2Elements = $('.content').find('h2');
var h2ElemCount = h2Elements.length;
$(h2Elements).each(function(i) {
  $(this).prepend(h2ElemCount - i + '. ');
<scriptsrc=""></script><divclass="content"><h1>Name of article</h1><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p><h2>Subtitle</h2><p>.....</p></div>

Solution 3:

Try This:

var h2Length = $("h2").length;
$("h2").each(function(i,obj) { 
  $(obj).html(h2Length +". "+$(obj).html());

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