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How To Dynamically Get The Directory Of The File Running

I am trying to switch between pages from multiple directories, what I have currently is right but once I have +300 HTML pages, I can't have it like this: window.addEventListener('l

Solution 1:

JavaScript cannot access file system (there is File API but that would not help you) so you cannot get content of direcotry.

You can create some server endpoint that would return content of given folder in e.g. JSON and then call this endpoint from JavaScript using e.g. XMLHttpRequest (or $.ajax or anything...)

Moreover your code is not very efficient, you should avoid calling repetitively appendChild if not really necessary. Use document fragment instead. More details:

Solution 2:

I found a way to do it. Here's the final code:

window.addEventListener('load', leftNav, false);

functionleftNav() {
  var dirs=window.location.href.split('/'),

  var dir_ofertas = "";
  var dir_teste = "";

  if (cdir === "Ofertas") {
    dir_teste = '../teste/'; 

  elseif (cdir === "teste") {
    dir_ofertas = '../Ofertas/'; 


  appendUl('leftNav', 'outerUL'); 
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'offers', dir_ofertas + 'offers.html', 'Offers');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'mobilecarriers', dir_ofertas + 'mobilecarriers.html', 'Mobile Carriers');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'affilpixeltracking', dir_ofertas + 'affiliatepixel.html', 'Affiliate Pixel Tracking');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'carrierip', dir_ofertas + 'carrierip.html', 'Carrier IP');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'updtconverstats', dir_ofertas + 'UpdtConvStats.html', 'Update Conversions Status');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'getconvdata', dir_ofertas + 'GetConvData.html', 'Get Conversions Data'); 
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'updtconverspr', dir_ofertas + 'UpdtConv.html', 'Update Conversions P/R'); 
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'iptracker', dir_ofertas + 'iptracker.html', 'IP Tracker');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'affiliates', dir_ofertas + 'Affiliates.html', 'Affiliates');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'updateofferwhit', dir_ofertas + 'updateofferwhit.html', 'Update Offer Whitelist');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'updateofferwhit2', dir_ofertas + 'updateofferwhit2.html', 'Update Offer Whitelist 2');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'updateofferwhit3', dir_ofertas + 'updateofferwhit3.html', 'Update Offer Whitelist 3');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'notdefined', dir_ofertas + 'Pag7.html', 'Not Defined'); 
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'notdefined2', dir_ofertas + 'Pag9.html', 'Not Definied 2');
  appendLiA('outerUL', 'test', dir_teste + 'index.html', 'Test');

functionappendUl(append_to_id, ul_id) {

  var ul = document.createElement('ul'); = ul_id;

  var appendTo = document.getElementById(append_to_id);

functionappendLiA(append_to_id, li_id, a_href, a_text, i_class) {

  var a = document.createElement('a');
  a.href = a_href;
  a.textContent = a_text;

  var li = document.createElement('li'); = li_id;

  var appendTo = document.getElementById(append_to_id);

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