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How To Do Panning In Html5-audio/mozilla Audio Data Api

[EDIT: this question is about Mozilla Audio Data API which is no longer considered for HTML5 Audio API and not supported] I am trying to change the padding of an audio file using M

Solution 1:

The key to change the balance of your audio file, is to grab the data (for example of a stereo musicfile) and change the value (amplitude) of the right and the left channel data. Accessing the right and the left channel value would be done with [i*2] and [i*2+1], because they are in a row.

Take an example at the one below (which I copied out of the HTML5 Games Book from Wiley):

functiongenerateTone(freq, balance,sampleRate) {
  var samples = Math.round(sampleRate / freq),
  data = newFloat32Array(samples *2), 
  var sample, i;

  for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
    sample = Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 * i / samples);
    data[i * 2] = sample * (0.5 - balance);
    data[i * 2 + 1] = sample * (0.5 + balance);

  return data;

The sinus generation you won't need in your case. Further questions? Best regards, Lukas

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