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Dropdown Submenu Disappears On Hover

While I know there are several discussions regarding this issue, none of the solutions fixed my problem. No matter what I do, the CSS submenu I'm trying to use disappears after you

Solution 1:

I did figure this out eventually but thought I should come back and update with my solution, in case it is helpful to anyone who is having a similar issue. It was actually really simple.

I had to add a z-index here:

.navli:hoverul {
          display: block;
          z-index: 99999;

This was recommended to other users, and I did try it initially but did not place it in li:hover thus it didn't work. I guess because the high z-index forces it to the top, it stopped whatever was causing the clipping by placing the submenu above it. I must have misread something somewhere along the line and placed the z-index in the wrong section. The real solution here is probably to read your code carefully!

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