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410 A Bunch Of Html Pages In Iis

I need to do a 410 Gone on a bunch of html pages for a site running on IIS. Is there a simple way to do them all at once, like an htaccess file, or do I have to do it one at a time

Solution 1:

I do it this way:

protectedvoidApplication_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e){
    if( listOf410urls.Contains(Request.RawUrl) )
         Response.StatusCode = 410; Response.End();

And then I have in webconfig system.webServer

<httpErrorserrorMode="Custom"defaultResponseMode="ExecuteURL"><removestatusCode="410"subStatusCode="-1" /><errorstatusCode="410"path="/Error410.aspx"responseMode="ExecuteURL" /></httpErrors>

This means that all the pages that return 410 will be fetched to the user & search engines using /Error410.aspx page.

In Error410.aspx I also set Response.StatusCode = 410; otherwise the statuscode will be 200 OK.

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