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Creating 10.000 Connected Hexagon Page?

I am trying to create 10.000 hexagon connected each other like bee combs.I want to create all of this as a element that after I can import some thing to inside them.But for connec

Solution 1:

Creating a rectangular grid is fairly obvious - just skew a rectangular grid ( either skew it all and get a parallelogram, then use modulo to wrap it, or skew alternate rows/columns to create a rectangular grid ).

Creating a hexagon filled with hexagons is fairly easy too

  • in the n th rank, there are 6 bars of n hexes
  • the centres of adjacent hexes are displaced twice the distance of the midpoint of one of the faces to the centre

So if you have the x & y co-ordinates of your hexes in two arrays, polyX and polyY, you get a nested loop:

drawHex ( g, cx, cy, 0 );

    for ( int rank = 1; rank < count; ++rank ) {

        for ( int bar = 0; bar < 6; ++bar ) {
            // x and y are twice midpoint of the previous face * the rank away // from centreint x = cx + ( polyX [ ( bar + 4 ) % 6 ] + polyX [ ( bar + 5 ) % 6 ] ) * rank;
            int y = cy + ( polyY [ ( bar + 4 ) % 6 ] + polyY [ ( bar + 5 ) % 6 ] ) * rank;

            // move by twice the distance of the midpoint of the next face each time int dx = polyX [ bar ] + polyX [ ( bar + 1 ) % 6 ];
            int dy = polyY [ bar ] + polyY [ ( bar + 1 ) % 6 ];

            for ( int hex = 0; hex < rank; ++hex ) {
                drawHex ( g, x, y, rank );
                x += dx;
                y += dy;

Full example:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

    publicstaticvoidmain( String...args )throws Exception
        SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait ( newRunnable () {
            @Overridepublicvoidrun() {
        } );

    Hexagons ()

        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

        finalJPanelpanel=newJPanel () {
            @OverridepublicvoidpaintComponent( Graphics g ) {
                Graphics2Dg2D= ( Graphics2D ) g;

                g2D.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
                RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );

                drawHexes ( g2D, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 );

        count = 5;

        frame.add ( panel );
        frame.setSize ( 400, 400 );
        frame.setVisible ( true );


    voidrun() { }

    int count;

    voiddrawHexes( Graphics2D g, int cx, int cy )
        intcount= Math.min ( 20, Math.min ( cx, cy ) / 34 );

        drawHex ( g, cx, cy, 0 );

        for ( intrank=1; rank < count; ++rank ) {

            for ( intbar=0; bar < 6; ++bar ) {
                intx= ( polyX [ ( bar + 4 ) % 6 ] + polyX [ ( bar + 5 ) % 6 ] ) * rank;
                inty= ( polyY [ ( bar + 4 ) % 6 ] + polyY [ ( bar + 5 ) % 6 ] ) * rank;

                intdx= polyX [ bar ] + polyX [ ( bar + 1 ) % 6 ];
                intdy= polyY [ bar ] + polyY [ ( bar + 1 ) % 6 ];

                for ( inthex=0; hex < rank; ++hex ) {
                    drawHex ( g, cx + x, cy + y, rank );
                    x += dx;
                    y += dy;

    staticint polyX[] = { 20, 10, -10, -20, -10,  10 };
    staticint polyY[] = {  0, 17,  17,   0, -17, -17 }; 
    static Color fill[] = newColor[20];
    static Color line[] = newColor[20];
    staticBasicStrokestroke=newBasicStroke ( 1.5f );

    // make it prettystatic {
        for ( intrank=0; rank < 20; ++rank ) {
            doubletheta0= rank * 2 * Math.PI / 20;
            doubletheta1= theta0 + Math.PI * 2.0/3.0;
            doubletheta2= theta1 + Math.PI * 2.0/3.0;

            fill [ rank ] = newColor ( 
                ( int ) ( 128 + 64 * Math.sin ( theta0 ) ),
                ( int ) ( 128 + 64 * Math.sin ( theta1 ) ),
                ( int ) ( 128 + 64 * Math.sin ( theta2 ) ) );
            line [ rank ] = newColor ( 
                ( int ) ( 64+ 32 * Math.sin ( theta0 ) ),
                ( int ) ( 64 + 32 * Math.sin ( theta1 ) ),
                ( int ) ( 64+ 32 * Math.sin ( theta2 ) ) );

    voiddrawHex( Graphics2D g, int cx, int cy, int rank ) {
        g.translate ( cx, cy );
        g.setPaint ( fill [ rank ] );
        g.fillPolygon ( polyX, polyY, 6 );
        g.setColor ( line [ rank ] );
        g.setStroke ( stroke );
        g.drawPolygon ( polyX, polyY, 6 );
        g.translate ( -cx, -cy );

Solution 2:

You may get an inspiration from Sergey Malenkov's Hexagonal Tile Map applet.

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