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Create Pages With Pre-compiling The Templates

In my current project, my work is only with html and css (HTML skinning). There are many pages which have repeated sections like Header, footer, sharing links etc. I don't want to

Solution 1:

You can use Jade - node template engine

It gives option to include external jade files, where in it allows you to insert the contents of one jade file into another


doctype htmlhtml
  include ./includes/head.jadebodyh1 My Site
    p Welcome to my super lame site.
    include ./includes/foot.jade


//- includes/head.jade
  title My Site


//- includes/foot.jade
  p Copyright (c) foobar

Compiles to:


<!doctype html><html><head><title>My Site</title><scriptsrc='/javascripts/jquery.js'></script><scriptsrc='/javascripts/app.js'></script></head><body><h1>My Site</h1><p>Welcome to my super lame site.</p><divid="footer"><p>Copyright (c) foobar</p></div></body></html>

Solution 2:


Whenever I used to search on google for "pre-compiling templates", I was ending up on sites which were combining all the HTML template files to one single js file. But in my case, I was looking for a way to compile the templates completely on system itself with no support of a "all template compiled js file". (So, I was looking for a solution which pre-renders the HTMLs)

Answer :

I found this awesome template engine, Nunjucks, which lets me compile the HTML templates to Independent HTML pages when used with gulp.

Check this one, gulp-nunjucks-render. By using this along with gulp, I am able to include section of .html files into other .html files. Here is the code (assuming you installed nodejs and gulp):

var gulp = require('gulp');
var nunjucksRender = require('gulp-nunjucks-render');

gulp.task('default', function () {
    nunjucksRender.nunjucks.configure(['templates/'], { watch: false });
    return gulp.src('templates/!(_)*.html')
            css_path: "../assets/css/",
            js_path: "../assets/js/",
            img_path: "../assets/images/"
gulp.task('watch', function () {['templates/*.html'], ['default']);

In the above code, I am keeping the HTML templates in templates folder and with the above gulp code, I am generating the new HTMLs in html folder. The above code will not generate the files which are prefixed with _. (something similar to sass)

and later in command prompt:

gulp watch  // Watches the files for changes continuously --> OWNING :D

Here is an example:

<!-- // Index.html --><!DOCTYPE html><html>
    {% include "_head.html" %}
        {% include "_content.html" %}
        {% include "_footer.html" %}

Which renders to:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Website title</title><linkhref="../assets/jcss/main.css"type="text/css"/></head><body><divclass="page"><!-- content here --></div><divclass="footer"><!-- footer content here --></div></body></html>


  • No need of server support to compile the templates.
  • No need to include any pre-compiled js file in index.html.
  • Whenever we do some change in common section, no need to include that section again in every page.


  • Till now, I didn't find any :).

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