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Count New Lines In Textarea To Resize Container In Php?

I have a textarea submitted to a php file. Im using this to make it look exactly as the user entered the text: $ad_text=nl2br(wordwrap($_POST['annonsera_text'], 47, '\n', true));

Solution 1:

You want the substr_count function.

Solution 2:

You can use regular expression:

preg_match_all("/(\n)/", $text, $matches);
$count= count($matches[0]) +1; // +1 for the last tine

EDIT: Since you use nl2br so '\n' is replaced by <br>. So you need this code.

preg_match_all("/(<br>)/", $text, $matches);
$count = count($matches[0]) + 1; // +1for the last tine

However, <br> will not be display as newline in textarea (if I remember correctly) so you may need to remove nl2br.

Hope this helps.

Solution 3:

$lines= explode("\n", $text);
$count= count($lines);
$html= implode($lines, "<br>");

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