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Make Alternating CSS Table Row Style Work In Internet Explorer

I use this CSS code to display a database output in rows where the colors repeat in every 2nd row tbody tr:nth-child(2n) td, tbody tr.even td { background: none repeat scroll

Solution 1:

IE8 does not support the :nth-child CSS property. You can make it work in IE8 with this script:

How to use it:

You can Include it via conditional comments, e.g.:

<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<script src="IE9.js"></script>

The script will only load in IE9 and below, other browsers do not see it.

Live demo:,css,output

(This demo should work in all versions of IE.)

Solution 2:

I like the answer above, but alternate row colours doesn't seem to work if a document isn't refreshed.

Try jQuery too:

$("tbody tr:even td").css("background-color", "lightgray");


Solution 3:

Which version of IE are you using? the :nth-child() CSS won't work in old versions of IE.

IE6, IE7, IE8 Fail

IE9 (works)

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