Why Does This Script Lag Delay In Javascript?
Solution 1:
You are calling requestAnimationFrame for each object, this is the wrong way to use requestAnimationFrame (RAF).
You should only call it once per frame not once per object.
function mainLoop(time){ // main loop RAF will add the time in milliseconds to the arguments.
ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); // clear
draw(); // call the draw loop
requestAnimationFrame(loop); // request next frame
requestAnimationFrame(loop); // request next frame
Using the draw functions like ctx.arc
is very slow. You will get much better performance if you render images instead ctx.drawImage
. You can create a canvas, draw the arc on that canvas and then draw that canvas with ctx.drawImage(canvasImage,...
to get a much faster update.
The other answer advised you to use forEach
, don't use forEach
or any of the array functions that involve callbacks as they are MUCH slower than using standard loops (for, while, do)
As things change rapidly in the browser world I have tested the use of forEach in this case and in this case the news is not good. forEach
still adds a significant additional overhead on each iteration when compared to for
, while
, and do while
The important thing to note (and why I striked out the last paragraph) is that the overhead is per iteration, if you have a small number of iterations and a large amount of code per iteration then the overhead is insignificant and not worth the bother, personal coding style should make the choice of what style to use in those cases.
If on the other hand you have a large number of iterations and a small amount of processing per iteration then using forEach will significantly impact the performance of the loop.
This holds true for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox with all showing the standard iteration (for loops) with inline code (not calling a function) to be the quickest, next and 10% slower than standard iteration is standard iteration with a function call (like forEach), and then forEach with an additional overhead per iteration of over 2X. (each test used a 15-20 to 1 code balance, that is the code inside the iteration is 15-20 times longer than the minimum code required to iterate. So one line for the for
, forEach
loop and 10-15 lines of code inside the loop.)
If you are handling an array of a few thousand to tens of thousands the difference is not worth bothering with, If you are handling 100s of thousands to millions plus you should avoid forEach
Note: I did not test forEach
on typed arrays as that is not applicable in this case.
Tested on
- Chrome Version 50.0.2661.37 beta-m
- Firefox 46.0b2
- Edge 25.10586
Solution 2:
A couple of things that might help.
Take objects.length out of the for loop and assign it to a var before you start the loop. Currently your counting the length of objects on every interaction of your loop.
Better yet use objects.forEach to iterate over the arrays.
Lastly why does draw() call itself at the bottom of the two for loops? This is going to fill up the event loop very quickly and suspect the main reason for the slow down.
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